Employee Spotlight – Larry Anderson

Larry M. Anderson started his career here in Feb. 2020. He was hired by Machele Lawless, Melissa Ford, and Theresa O’Brien, as the Laundry Assistant Supervisor.  He first became aware of  Stewart Home and School when Doug Murphy called and told him about the job opening in Laundry.  Larry has since transferred to the Housekeeping Department (March 2022).  He states he enjoys the campus landscaping, the history of the school, getting to know the students and their families, the unique ways that our students communicate with others, and the staff and their commitment to the students and school. 

His best memory here was the parade that was hosted for the students that didn’t go home during Covid—19.   He states the thing he notices has changed the most in his time here is the staff.  The most consistent thing he has noticed is the respect everyone has for the students, and that everyone pitches in as Family Weekend approaches. 

Larry states had he not come to work here, he more than likely would still be working with Anderson County School System, or perhaps working at the Garden Center Nursery.  He is most famous for looking at the trees and plants. 

Larry’s List of  Favorites:

Fave Book: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Fave Movie: Jason Bourne and Mission Impossible movies

Fave Restaurant:  Any place he goes with his wife, Grace.

Fave Sports Team: University of KY.  Basketball, Football, and Volleyball.

Fave Vacation Spot: Outer Banks, NC

Fave season: Spring

Little known facts about Larry:  he is a published author.  He has one mystery story that was published in a literary magazine for Kentucky writers and poets.  He is retired from Kentucky State Government (after 27 years at KY Higher Education Assistance Authority). He has written several computer programs that were still in production after his retirement.  He collects sports cards and Hallmark Ornaments. And his hobbies include: eggshell arts and crafts, and entering eggs in the State Fair.

He said some advice he would give new employees is what Machele shared with him…”Always remember that you are here for the students, not the other way around.”

                             -Ricky Gaines