Employee Spotlight - Krista Lumpkins - Stewart Home & School

Employee Spotlight – Krista Lumpkins

What an easy pleasure it is today to celebrate our February Employee Spotlight…Krista L. Lumpkins!  Krista began her career at Stewart Home & School in August of 1993 as a Teacher until April of 1999.  She came back about a year later and helped us in Nightwatch for a couple of months in 2000.  It was a fortunate day on June 24, 2019 when Krista decided she was ready to come back to our family in the Residential Department.  I am particularly grateful that in May of 2021 she joined the HR Team!  Her love of our students and enthusiasm for Stewart Home & School is instrumental in recruiting quality staff.  Her warm smile is an asset in helping all staff, students and families. Krista always offers her help whenever there is a need (personal or work related)…a rare trait indeed. 

Favorite book –  Earth Children’s Series by Jean Auel or anything by Stephen King

Restaurant – Longhorn’s Steakhouse

Season – Fall

Vacation spot – Any Beach (Sand + Ocean)

Collections –  Elephants and Marbles

Famous for –  Being Kind, Approachable and her Never Say Never Attitude

Craziest thing that has ever happened –  “I almost went over Cumberland Falls when I was 3 years old.” 

The most changes that Krista has noticed is that School Program has really grown and evolved, as well as the management and the food for the residents. 

When asked what has remained the same I was told “The Students—the whole reason I wanted to come back! They are still amazing and have unconditional love and acceptance, even on bad days.”  

Two of our students summed up Krista perfectly—”I love her ability to see past any flaws and love everyone with a selfless and caring heart!” “She is sweet, takes good care of me and teaches me everyday.  She is smart, funny and a really good cook!”  I couldn’t have said it any better—Thank You Krista for all you do everyday.  We are so happy that you decided to ‘come back home’.  — Melissa A. Ford

2 comments on Employee Spotlight – Krista Lumpkins

  1. Angela Folczyk says:

    Congratulations Krista! Well deserved recognition of your love and commitment to SHS

  2. Tiffany Wilson says:

    Congratulations Krista … every word is true. You are one in a million. I’m glad I had the opportunity to work with you and know you!!!

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