Prom 2024 - Disco Fever - Stewart Home & School

Prom 2024 – Disco Fever

Every year Stewart Home and School has a prom. It’s a night of dancing with friends, dressing up, and having a good time. This year the prom theme was Stewart Home Fever. The decorations were done by our amazing recreation staff, and led by Jake Parritt. Together, they truly made a wonderful night for all the students and staff that were there.

Each year, new royalty is crowned! These feature the Duke and Duchess, Prince and Princess, and King and Queen. This year’s Duke was Mike, and Callie was named the Duchess. Our Prince was Kenny, and Princess was JJ. Then rounding it off, our prom King was Zach, and the Queen was Rebecca. Every student here had a wonderful night and enjoyed the music and dancing. We asked our prom King Zach what he thought about winning and he said, “I was happy!” Zach enjoyed the music and dancing with friends. The Queen, Rebecca also said “It was wonderful.” Callie, who won the duchess said “it was a big surprise.” and “I was not expecting it.”

We enjoyed seeing all of our students there at prom and having a wonderful night spent. Thank you to the many staff that helped, and we cannot wait for next year!

_Josh Lumpkins

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