Employee Spotlight - Michelle Penrod - Stewart Home & School

Employee Spotlight – Michelle Penrod

Michelle D. Penrod was first hired 8/23/2010 as the Reading Teacher for the Academic Program.  She left in 10/26/2018, but then returned to us in 10/07/2020, this time as our Communication Development Teacher with the Pre-Academic Program. David Sellwood describes her well… ”Michelle does a great job with her classes, she has been doing monthly units in different subjects.  She keeps bulletin boards that are very stimulating and current. Her communication class is going extremely well and she does a great job with her correspondent group.  Michelle is very active with her correspondents, and enjoys their individuality. She is an great asset in all areas of School Program.”

She says what she likes best about being with Stewart Home and School is that it is “Never a dull day!” She says the students keep each day interesting and different.

               Michelle came to Stewart Home and School after listening to an aide that was working with her in her classroom when she was teaching in Shelby County.  (He also worked for the Louisville airport). He commented he had seen our groups traveling on trips out of Louisville, and he was impressed at how nice, polite, and loving our residents were while in the airport.  He told her he thought the school must be a truly wonderful place.  

               Michelle has been married for 34 years, and has a cat named Dixie, and a BijonPoodle named Higgins.  She enjoys reading, and knitting. And she says she guesses she is famous for her Brownies.  When asked what makes them so popular, she said it must be the icing on them.  (She melts chocolate chips and Eagle Brand Milk together and spreads it over the brownies!)       

Michelle’s Faves

Restaurant:  Don Pedros

Book: Outlander

Movie:  The Harry Potter Series

Season: Fall

Vacation Spot:  The Smokey Mountains

Her favorite part of her job is the correspondent interaction with her residents and her inclusion with their families.  She loves the feel of their “family unit”. The commonality is the staff commitment to the care and safety of the residents.  The continuity of love and acceptance is heartwarming.    

               Her favorite memory is when she would walk Anthony back to his building, and he would either “sing” the Wedding March or the theme song to Staying Alive as they walked.  She said he was the sweetest, cutest little man EVER!! (I would have to agree!!)  Thank You Michelle, for all you do!   – Krista Lumpkins

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