Celebrating Asperger’s Syndrome
Given our 123 year history and our many students who have a diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome, the faculty of our school program department has experience with the learning styles of people with Asperger’s syndrome. It is our objective to creatively plan successful learning experiences for all of our students and to consistently reinforce the students’ enthusiastic motivation for participation and further growth throughout their lives. The individualized plans for each student might include pre-academic or academic classes, along with vocational opportunities both on and off-campus. In addition, we offer classes in daily living skills to ensure that are students are as independent as possible. Because each student has daily responsibilities and a busy schedule, that consists of activities from morning until night, they are able to manage their schedule, while also having ample time for social and recreational opportunities. We have high expectations for each of our students and it is a joy to see successes celebrated each day!
Please help us celebrate the success of some of students with Asperger’s syndrome by reading and hearing about their own accomplishments!